OC Dates 2025

If your child learns at a much faster pace, processes material to a much greater depth, shows incredible intensity in energy, loves to soak up extreme amounts of knowledge, enjoys the company of other children with like minds, has a vivid imagination, intellectual prowess, sensitivity, and emotion, then Biraban OC class is for them.
The Opportunity Class at Biraban Public School is for Year 5 and 6, academically gifted students. Gifted students are those whose potential is distinctly above average in one or more of the following areas of ability at school - intellectual, creative, social and physical. Students from the Westlakes area are offered an opportunity to sit a test to gain a position in this innovative classroom environment. The class has students from Cooranbong, Fennell Bay, Blackalls Park, Barnsley, Dora Creek, Teralba, Arcadia Vale, Wangi, Toronto, Booragul, Bonnells Bay, as well as some local Biraban children. Biraban's OC Class provides an opportunity for gifted and talented students to develop and foster creative and critical thinking skills. Students are encouraged to excel academically, as well as develop positive interpersonal skills to cooperate and communicate their opinions and ideas effectively with others who are like-minded and of similar ability.
High potential and gifted students
High potential students are those whose potential exceeds that of students of the same age in one or more domains: intellectual, creative, social-emotional and physical.
Gifted students are those whose potential significantly exceeds that of students of the same age in one or more domains: intellectual, creative, social-emotional, and physical.
Talent development is the process by which a student’s potential is developed into high achievement in a specific domain or field of endeavour. (Gagné Differentiated Model of Giftedness and Talent 2009.)
High potential and gifted students, in all domains, learn in ways characterised by their diverse profiles. Many characteristics cross the domains but others are more relevant to one domain than to the others.
The characteristics listed below may be found in many learners but are strongly evident in high potential and gifted learners. Conversely, not all high potential and gifted learners will display all of these characteristics due to lack of opportunity, disability or disadvantage.
High potential and gifted learners may demonstrate:
- curiosity
- an ease of learning that is fast paced
- intense concentration in new learning or areas of interest
perseverance - high levels of self-criticism
- perfectionism
- strong sense of moral reasoning and justice
- intrinsic motivation and be goal driven, particularly in their area of interest
a sophisticated sense of humour - creative and critical thinking skills
- high expectations for self and others
- an advanced level of observation
- high levels of excitement by new ideas
- independent thinking
Note: These learning characteristics should be used as only one source of evidence to assess and identify students
Opportunity classes and selective high schools
Opportunity classes and selective high schools form part of the Department of Education's commitment to identify and provide a range of opportunities for gifted and high potential students in NSW.