Biraban Public School

Respect | Responsibility | Personal Best

Telephone02 4959 1902


Opportunity Class  2024

The Opportunity Class (OC) at Biraban is taught by Miss Ryan and Mr Shearman and provides an avenue for gifted and talented and high potential  students to explore and express their unique abilities in a safe and flexible learning environment. Over its time at Biraban, the OC classroom has been set up to maximise the learning potential for each individual and a range of learning opportunities have been offered to increase engagement of gifted and talented students.

Students are encouraged to develop and utilise skills for Project and Inquiry-Based Learning, creative problem solving, design processes and Authentic 21st Century Learning. As a culmination of this skill development, students then design, plan, produce and present their own inquiry project based on their own passions or interests. The OC is also extended through a range of rich learning tasks and STEM activities throughout the year.

Biraban also has a strong focus on improving and utilising technology within the OC in order to learn future-focused skills. Students become fluent in working collaboratively online though a range of platforms, including Google Classroom, Onenote and Edmodo. 

Students from Biraban OC also have the opportunity to take part in Gifted and Talented Enrichment Days hosted at Biraban. Students are provided with a range of electives such as Maths, Science, Critical and Creative Thinking, Music, Art, Drama and Writing. Each elective is run by a specialist in the field and extends the students with unique and challenging activities. This is a great opportunity for students to connect with other like-minded students and extend their thinking.

The OC at Biraban also provides a unique physical learning environment through flexible learning spaces in order to extend capable students and strengthen self-regulation skills. The classroom is spacious and is designed in such a way that students are required to be reflective and adaptive based on their individual needs. 

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